Josephine Chiu-Duke

Professor | Chinese Intellectual History
phone 604 822 5732
location_on Asian Centre 406
Research Area



M.A., History: Modern Chinese Intellectual History, History Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1982.

Ph.D. (U.B.C.) — Chinese Intellectual History

Email: chiuduke(at)

Special research interest:

(l) Traditional Chinese social, intellectual and cultural history, specializing in T’ang and Sung dynasty (607-1274).
(2) Modern Chinese social, intellectual and cultural history.
(3) Twentieth-century Chinese fiction.


2006: Chosen by the Vancouver Sun newspaper as one of the “100 Influential Chinese-Canadians in B.C.” (Vancouver Sun, Saturday, October 21, 2006, pages A 1 & 6; C 1 & 6-9).




(R indicates refereed publication)


R To Rebuild the Empire: Lu Chih’s Confucian Pragmatist Approach to the Mid-T’ang Predicament, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture, 2000, 311pp.

R 2023 In Search of  Liberty: Lin Yusheng’s Life and Thought [Ziyou de zhuixun: Lin Yü-sheng de sixiang yu shengming 《自由的追尋:林毓生的思想與生命》. Taipei: Lianjing (Liking) Publisher, February 23, 2023.


R Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition–- Essays in Honor of Professor Lin Yü-sheng [Chinese title with some English: Ziyou zhuyi yu renwen chuantong – Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition – Lin Yü-sheng xiansheng zhushou lunwenji], Taipei, Taiwan: Yun Chen Publishing Company, (June 20) 2005, 555 pp.Yunchen Asian Culture, Sixteen essays (13 in Chinese, 3 in English). This book was awarded Taiwan’s United Daily News Award for Best Non-fiction (Non-literature) Book of 2005.

R 2020 The Spirit of the Modern Intellectual Aristocracy: Lin Yusheng’s Recent Works in Intellectual History, edited by Josephine Chiu-Duke (丘慧芬),   with the Chinese title《現代知識貴族的精神:林毓生思想近作選》) (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2020.)


R 2016 Ying-shih Yü, Chinese History and Culture: Sixth Century B.C.E. to Seventeenth Century C.E., Columbia University Press, 2016, 448 pp. Co-edited with Michael S. Duke. Includes 7 page “Editorial Note.”

R 2016 Ying-shih Yü, Chinese History and Culture: Seventeenth Through Twentieth Century, 432 pp., Columbia University Press, 2016. Co-edited with Michael S. Duke. Includes same 7 page “Editorial Note.”


R 2014 An Intellectual History of China, Volume One: Knowledge, Thought, and Belief before the Seventh Century CE, by Ge Zhaoguang, Co-translated by Michael S. Duke and Josephine Chiu-Duke, Brill Humanities in China Series, 2014.
Choice Outstanding Academic Title of 2014

*R 2018 Co-translation, with Michael S. Duke. Ge Zhaoguang, An Intellectual History of China, Volume Two: Knowledge, Thought and Belief From the Seventh Through the Nineteenth Century, (Leiden: Brill, June 2018), xvii, 362 pp. Invited translation of specially prepared abridgement of 葛兆光中國思想史,第二卷 七世紀至十九世紀中國的知識、思想與信仰.

**R 2021 Co-translation, with Michael S. Duke. Yü Ying-shih, From Rural China to the Ivy League: Yü Ying-shih’s Reminiscences of His Life and Times (Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2021), xvi, 281 pages plus Index. Originally published as Yü Ying-shih Huiyilu 余英時回憶錄 (Taibei 臺北: Yunchen Culture Publishing Corporation 允晨文化實業股份有限公司, 2018).


R *1980: “Jiaoyu pingjian gainian yu moshi zhi yanjiu” (A Study of the Concept and Models of Educational Evaluation), Taiwan shifan daxue xuebao (Journal of National Taiwan Normal University), No.25 (1980): 6 -32.

1980: “Jiaoyu pingjian ying ju you jiazhi daoxiang derenwu” (Educational Evaluation Should Be Value Oriented), Jinrijiaoyu (Today’s Education, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University), No. 37 (1980): 24 – 29.

1980: “Ruhe jianli lianghao de shi-sheng guanxi” (How to Establish Good Teacher-Student Relationships), Taiwan jiaoyu (Taiwan Education Review, Taipei), No. 351 (1980): 15 – 17.

R *1983: “‘Geming zhi zi’ de chongsheng yiyi,” (The Rebirth of a “Son of the Revolution”), Qishi niandai (The Seventies, Hong Kong,May 1983): 69-73.

R *1985: “Lun Wang Xizhe de sixiang moshi” (On Wang Xizhe’s Mode of Thinking), Zhishi fenzi (The Chinese Intellectual, New York, April 1985): 107-112 (Chinese reworking of theoretical portion of MA Thesis).

R 1989: “Wei shengming xunzhao dingwei de Shi Tiesheng” (Shi Tiesheng’s Search for Life), Lianhe wenxue (Unitas, Taipei, April 1989): 41-44. (Shi Tiesheng is a well-known contemporary Chinese writer living in Beijing.)

1989: (Pen name Wei Ming) “Wen’gehua de ‘Zhongguo minzhu yundong qianjing yantaohui’” [Vancouver Seminar on the Future of the Chinese Democracy Movement], Jiushi niandai (The Nineties, Hong Kong, October 1989): 97.

R **1990: “The Wu chün Lu Clan as an Example of Bureaucratization in the T’ang Dynasty” B.C. Asian Review, No. 3/4: 106-152. (Reprinted online by David C. Lam Institute for East West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University,

R **1997: “The Role of Confucian Revivalists in the Confucianization of T’ang Women” Asia Major (Princeton University), Third series, Vol. VIII, Part I (1995): 51-93. Actual publication date: September, 1997.

R 2001: (Invited article) “Minben yu junquan de chongtu – tan chuantong Zhongguo wenhua yu zhuanzhi zhengti” [People Versus Imperial Power – On Traditional Chinese Culture and Autocracy], Wenhua Zhongguo [Cultural China], Vol. 8, No. 1 (March 2001), 68-71.

R 2003: (Invited article) “Bianfa tuqiang de lishi shijian ji qi xiandai yiyi” [Political Reforms and Self-Strengthening in Chinese History and their Contemporary Significance], Wenhua Zhongguo [Cultural China], Vol. 10, No. 1 (March 2003), 24-27.

*R 2004: “Significant Paradoxes in Contemporary Chinese Communist Theoretical Discourse”, by invitation in Professor Leo Liu, ed. Taiwanese Polity in the Twenty-first Century: Politics and Culture in a Global Context, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, Spring, 2004, pp, 107-133. For information, see: 

R 2005: Forward [in Chinese: Qianyan] to Josephine Chiu-Duke (Qiu Huifen), ed. Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition – Essays in Honor of Professor Lin Yü-sheng (as listed above), pp. 5-32.

R 2005: “Humanistic Transcendence: the Intellectual Significance of Gao Xingjian’s One Man’s Bible” [in Chinese: Renwen de chaoyue: Gao Xingjian de Yige ren de shengjing jiqi sixiang yiyi], in Josephine Chiu-Duke (Qiu Huifen), ed. Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition – Essays in Honor of Professor Lin Yü-sheng (as listed above), pp. 521-555.

R 2006: “Mothers and the Well-being of the State in Tang China,” NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China(Leiden, The Netherlands), Vol. 8, No. 1 (2006): 55-114.

2008: Book Preface: “Nation, Country, Cultural Identity, And World Order – Preface to Ding Guo Ten Years Sharpening a Sword” [Minzuguojia, wenhua rentong, yu shijie zhixu—xie zai Ding Guo Shinian mo yijian chuban zhi qian], in Ding Guo Ten Years Sharpening a Sword [Shinian mo yijian], Shanghai: Leanne Communications Inc., 2009, pp. i-ix.

2010: Invited article: “Basic Human Rights and Western Democracy—a Debate with Wang Hui at the [2010] Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting / Qiu Huifen,” Kaifang zazhi (Open Magazine, Hong Kong,, June 2010, pp. 54-58.

2010: Invited article: “A Moribund ‘Way Out’: A Critique of Wang Hui’s Rise of Modern Chinese Thought,” [Meiyou shengji de chulu: lun Wang Hui Xiandai Zhongguo sixiang de xingqi], Shanghai Book Club Weekly Magazine (Jifeng shuyuan julebu). No.191, June 8, 201, pp. 23-30.

R 2011 “Keshou yu chaoyue: Zhaizi Zhongguo tantao de wenti ji qi xiangguan de yiyi (Commitment and Transcendence: Further Significance of Issues Investigated in This is China,” in Reflexion (Sixiang 思想) No. 19, Taipei: Linking, September, 2011, pp. 271-287.

2011-2012: “Spring Flowers and a Chilly Autumn,” co-authored with Michael S. Duke, in Hong Kong Economic Journal (Xin Bao), July 3, 2011. Published October 2012 in Liu Kin-ming, ed. My First Trip to China: Scholars, Diplomats and Journalists reflect on their first encounter with China, Hong Kong: Muse Books, Hong Kong University Press.

R 2015 “In Search of Liberty and Justice in Post-Tiananmen China,” in Joseph Y. S. Cheng, ed., Wither China and the Communist Party Regime? Remembering June Fourth after Twenty-Five Years, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2015, 103-126.

R 2019 “Yü Ying-shih: Bearer, Interpreter, Enhancer, and Illuminator of the Tradition of Chinese Intellectuals” 承負,詮釋與光大中國知識人傳統的余英時). in Lin Zaijue, ed.,《如沐春風:余英時教授的為學與處世: 慶祝余英時教授九秩壽誕文集》 (Taibei: Lianjing,  2019), pp. 65-101.

2019 “‘Chuantong de ‘chuangzaoxing zhuanhua’—cong Yu Yingshi ‘tianren heyi xin zhuanxiang’ shuoqi” 傳統的 “創造性轉化”—從余英時‘天人合一新轉向’說起 (“‘Creative Transformation’ of Chinese Tradition’—Starting from Yü Yingshi’s ‘New Turn of the Unity between Heaven and Man’”) Chinese essay in Reflexion (Sixiang 思想), number 38 (September 2019), pp. 39-85.

R 2020 “Editor’s Preface: Lin Yusheng’s Discourse on and Contribution to the Establishment of Political and Cultural Order in Modern China” by Josephine Chiu-Duke 編者序:林毓生對建設現代中國政治與文化秩序的論述與貢獻,” in The Spirit of the Modern Intellectual Aristocracy: Lin Yusheng’s Recent Works in Intellectual History  (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2020), pp. xiii-xxxviii.

R 2020 “The May Fourth Liberal Legacy in Chan Koonchung’s Jianfeng Ernian,”  in Remembering May Fourth: The Movement and its Centennial Legacy, edited by Carlos Yu-Kai Lin and Victor Mair (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2020), pp. 53-74.

R 2022 and 2023: “Yü Ying-shih lun Zhongguo wenhua he ziyou minzhu jiesun de jingshen ziyuan, 余英時論中國文化和自由民主接榫的精神資源 (Yü Ying-shih On the Spiritual Resources in Chinese Culture for a Connection with Liberal Democracy), in Wang Dewei [David Wang] 王德威, ed. 主編, Yü Ying-shih yuanshi jinian zhuanji 余英時院士紀念專輯” (Academician Yü Ying-shih Commemorative Collection),《中國文哲研究通訊》(Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Newsletter Quarterly, 2022). Published again as a book chapter in Hu Xiaozhen, ed. 胡曉真 編, Yuedu Yu Ying-shih zhuzuo yu zhiye 閱讀余英時:著作與志業 (Reading Yu Ying-shih: works and accomplishments), Taipei 臺北: Yunchen wenhua shiye gufen youxian gongse 允晨文化實業股份有限公司, 2023, 129-140.
R 2022: “An Exemplary Model Intellectual Who Exerted Every Effort In Pursuit of The Fundamental Values of Human Life—Respectfully Mouning the Death of Professor Yü Ying-Shih:” “Wei zhuiqiu rensheng jiben jiazhi’ er fuchu nuli de dianfa zhishiren—Jingdao Yü Ying-shih,” “為追求人生基本價值」而付出努力的典範知識人—敬悼余英時先生” , Cherishing the Memory of Professor Yü Ying-shih, Lin Zaijue, ed., Taipei: Lianjing, 2023, 165-174. Xin you simu: Yü Ying-shih jiaoshou jinianji 心有思慕—余英時教授紀念集, 林載爵編, 臺北: 聯經, 2022 .


1997: Stephen Owen, The End of the Chinese ‘Middle Ages’: Essays in Mid-Tang Literary Culture, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996. 209 pp., in Journal of Asian Studies (February 1997): 183-185.

R 2003: Michael Nylan, The Five “Confucian” Classics, Yale University Press. 2001. xiii, 402 pp. Notes and bibliography,, in American Historical Review (April 2003), 492-493. Invited review.

R 2004: Deng Xiaonan, ed. Tang Song Nuxing yu Shehui (Women/Female and Society in Tang-Song China, 617-1279), Shanghai: Cishu Chubanshe, 2003. 2 volumes, 918 pp., forthcoming in Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 47.2 (April 2004), pp. 280-82. Galley proofs returned March 19, 2004.

2007 (Review article): Yao Ping, Tangdai funü de shengming licheng (The life courses of Tang dynasty women), Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2004, 374 pp. In NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China (Leiden, The Netherlands), Vol. 9, No. 2 (Fall 2007): 375-385.

2008: David Der-wei Wang and Carlos Rojas, eds., Writing Taiwan: A New Literary History, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2007, 412 pp. Pacific Affairs, Volume 80, No. 4 (Winter 2008-2008), pp. 671-673.

2009: Chen Jo-shui, Tangdai de funü wenhua yü jiating shenghuo [Women’s culture and family life in the Tang dynasty], Taipei: Yunchen Culture Publishing (Yunchen wenhua), 2007, 335 pp. NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China (Leiden, The Netherlands), Vol. 11, No. 1, (Spring 2009): pp. 305-308.

2011: Jack W. Chen. The Poetics of Sovereignty: On Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. Cambridge (Mass): The Harvard University Asia Center, 2010, pp. xvii, 445, American Historical Review, October 2011, pp. 1099-1100.


1996: “Ci zhong you zhen yi: Lo Shichang de yishu,” translation of Michael S. Duke, “Expressing the profound truth of common things: the art of Shyh-Charng Lo”, in Yu ziran duihua [Dialogue with Nature], Taibei: Dunhuang yishu zhongxin, 1996, p. 3. Catalogue of Lo Shyh-Charng exhibition at Dunhuang gallery, Taibei, Taiwan, October, 1996 (also published in Diancang art magazine).

R *1999: With Michael S. Duke, “Reflections on the ‘Creative Transformation of Chinese Tradition”, by Lin Yü-sheng (University of Wisconsin, Madison), in Karl-Heinz Pohl, ed. Chinese Thought in a Global Context: A Dialogue Between Chinese and Western Philosophical Approaches. Leiden, Boston, K?ln: Brill, 1999, 73-114.

R 2012: “The Significance of the ‘Weng’an Incident,’” (June 2008), in Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, No Hatred: Selected Essays and Poems, edited by Perry Link, Tienchi Martin-Liao and Liu Xia, Forward by Václav Havel, Harvard University Press, 2012, pp. 107-113. Liu Xiaobo is the recipient of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize; in October 2010 he was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

R 2012: “Behind the ‘China Miracle,’” (November 2008), in Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, No Hatred: pp. 223-227.

R 2012: “Behind The Rise of the Great Powers,” (December 2006), in Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, pp. 228-239. Reprinted in GUERNICA: a magazine of art & politics (January 1, 2012).

R 2012: Co-translation with Michael S. Duke, “Bellicose and Thuggish— The Roots of Chinese “Patriotism” at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century,” (July 2001), in Liu Xiaobo, pp. 62-84.

R 2020 Co-translation with Michael S. Duke: Ge Zhaoguang, “Imagining ‘All Under Heaven’: the Political, Intellectual, and Academic Background of a New Utopia,” in David Der-wei Wang, Angela Ki Che Leung, and Zhang Yide, eds., Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context: Texts, Ideas, Spaces (Hong Kong University Press, 2020), pp. 15-35. Also published in the online forum China Dream Project: 


1985: “Wei shenmo piping ‘dang guanliao’ de zhishi fenzi ye yinggai shou piping” (Why Should Intellectuals Who Criticize “Party Bureaucracy” Also Be Criticized, an open letter to John King Fairbank), Zhishi fenzi (The Chinese Intellectual, New York, January 1985): 131.

2003: “Thoughts on Establishing a Cosmopolitan View” (Qiantan Guojiguan), Shenzhou shibao (China Journal), no. 573, June 13, 2003, p. A19 (referenced as important reading on the front page).

2003: “Kuayue Meiyou Shengji de Liangji: Liang An Guanxi Zai Fansi” [Beyond Perilous Polarities: Reflections on China-Taiwan Relations], Zhonghua Shibao [Canada China Times], August 1, 2003, p. B1 and August 8, 2003, p. B1.

2004: “Taiwan daxuan de fansi” [Reflections on Taiwan’s Presidential Election], Shenzhou shibao [China Journal], April 16, 2004, p. 5A, and April 23, 2004, p. A6.

2022: “The significance and contemporary relevance of Yu Ying-shih’s Between Heaven and Man—an Exploration of the Rise of Ancient Chinese Thought” 余英時《論天人之際-古代中國思想起源試探》的原創意義及時代相關性 for a seminar entitled “In Memorium: Returning to Yu Ying-shih’s Living Room” 紀念會—「回到余英時的客廳」held on July 30, 2022 in Taipei, Taiwan sponsored by Liking (Lianjing) Publishers. Published on August 2, 2022 by the Editorial Board here with the title: “Qiu Huifen: Re-reading Between Heaven and Man, and thinking about making the axial values into a reality”, 丘慧芬:重讀《論天人之際》,如何讓軸心價值成為具體的真實.

2022: Invited obituary for Professor Lin Yusheng (August 7, 1934-November 22, 2022) entitled “Jingdao Lin Yusheng xiansheng (1934-2022)—丘慧芬:敬悼林毓生先生(1934-2022)——一位純正的思想史家與自由主義者, Respectively Mourning Mr. Lin Yusheng (1934-2922)—a True Intellectual Historian and Liberal,” at here Also posted by Chinese University of Hong Kong.



1. “Women, Confucian Teaching, and State Building in T’ang China.” An expansion of my essay on T’ang women.

2. “The Future of Democracy in Taiwan.”

3. “The Pursuit of Liberty in Contemporary China.”


1. “Some Prospects and Perils for the Future of Democracy in Taiwan.” Paper to be presented at the Western Conference Association for Asian Studies meetings in October, 2004.

2. “Wives and Family Preservation in Tang China (618-907).”

Josephine Chiu-Duke

Professor | Chinese Intellectual History
phone 604 822 5732
location_on Asian Centre 406
Research Area



M.A., History: Modern Chinese Intellectual History, History Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1982.

Ph.D. (U.B.C.) — Chinese Intellectual History

Email: chiuduke(at)

Special research interest:

(l) Traditional Chinese social, intellectual and cultural history, specializing in T’ang and Sung dynasty (607-1274).
(2) Modern Chinese social, intellectual and cultural history.
(3) Twentieth-century Chinese fiction.


2006: Chosen by the Vancouver Sun newspaper as one of the “100 Influential Chinese-Canadians in B.C.” (Vancouver Sun, Saturday, October 21, 2006, pages A 1 & 6; C 1 & 6-9).




(R indicates refereed publication)


R To Rebuild the Empire: Lu Chih’s Confucian Pragmatist Approach to the Mid-T’ang Predicament, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture, 2000, 311pp.

R 2023 In Search of  Liberty: Lin Yusheng’s Life and Thought [Ziyou de zhuixun: Lin Yü-sheng de sixiang yu shengming 《自由的追尋:林毓生的思想與生命》. Taipei: Lianjing (Liking) Publisher, February 23, 2023.


R Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition–- Essays in Honor of Professor Lin Yü-sheng [Chinese title with some English: Ziyou zhuyi yu renwen chuantong – Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition – Lin Yü-sheng xiansheng zhushou lunwenji], Taipei, Taiwan: Yun Chen Publishing Company, (June 20) 2005, 555 pp.Yunchen Asian Culture, Sixteen essays (13 in Chinese, 3 in English). This book was awarded Taiwan’s United Daily News Award for Best Non-fiction (Non-literature) Book of 2005.

R 2020 The Spirit of the Modern Intellectual Aristocracy: Lin Yusheng’s Recent Works in Intellectual History, edited by Josephine Chiu-Duke (丘慧芬),   with the Chinese title《現代知識貴族的精神:林毓生思想近作選》) (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2020.)


R 2016 Ying-shih Yü, Chinese History and Culture: Sixth Century B.C.E. to Seventeenth Century C.E., Columbia University Press, 2016, 448 pp. Co-edited with Michael S. Duke. Includes 7 page “Editorial Note.”

R 2016 Ying-shih Yü, Chinese History and Culture: Seventeenth Through Twentieth Century, 432 pp., Columbia University Press, 2016. Co-edited with Michael S. Duke. Includes same 7 page “Editorial Note.”


R 2014 An Intellectual History of China, Volume One: Knowledge, Thought, and Belief before the Seventh Century CE, by Ge Zhaoguang, Co-translated by Michael S. Duke and Josephine Chiu-Duke, Brill Humanities in China Series, 2014.
Choice Outstanding Academic Title of 2014

*R 2018 Co-translation, with Michael S. Duke. Ge Zhaoguang, An Intellectual History of China, Volume Two: Knowledge, Thought and Belief From the Seventh Through the Nineteenth Century, (Leiden: Brill, June 2018), xvii, 362 pp. Invited translation of specially prepared abridgement of 葛兆光中國思想史,第二卷 七世紀至十九世紀中國的知識、思想與信仰.

**R 2021 Co-translation, with Michael S. Duke. Yü Ying-shih, From Rural China to the Ivy League: Yü Ying-shih’s Reminiscences of His Life and Times (Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2021), xvi, 281 pages plus Index. Originally published as Yü Ying-shih Huiyilu 余英時回憶錄 (Taibei 臺北: Yunchen Culture Publishing Corporation 允晨文化實業股份有限公司, 2018).


R *1980: “Jiaoyu pingjian gainian yu moshi zhi yanjiu” (A Study of the Concept and Models of Educational Evaluation), Taiwan shifan daxue xuebao (Journal of National Taiwan Normal University), No.25 (1980): 6 -32.

1980: “Jiaoyu pingjian ying ju you jiazhi daoxiang derenwu” (Educational Evaluation Should Be Value Oriented), Jinrijiaoyu (Today’s Education, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University), No. 37 (1980): 24 – 29.

1980: “Ruhe jianli lianghao de shi-sheng guanxi” (How to Establish Good Teacher-Student Relationships), Taiwan jiaoyu (Taiwan Education Review, Taipei), No. 351 (1980): 15 – 17.

R *1983: “‘Geming zhi zi’ de chongsheng yiyi,” (The Rebirth of a “Son of the Revolution”), Qishi niandai (The Seventies, Hong Kong,May 1983): 69-73.

R *1985: “Lun Wang Xizhe de sixiang moshi” (On Wang Xizhe’s Mode of Thinking), Zhishi fenzi (The Chinese Intellectual, New York, April 1985): 107-112 (Chinese reworking of theoretical portion of MA Thesis).

R 1989: “Wei shengming xunzhao dingwei de Shi Tiesheng” (Shi Tiesheng’s Search for Life), Lianhe wenxue (Unitas, Taipei, April 1989): 41-44. (Shi Tiesheng is a well-known contemporary Chinese writer living in Beijing.)

1989: (Pen name Wei Ming) “Wen’gehua de ‘Zhongguo minzhu yundong qianjing yantaohui’” [Vancouver Seminar on the Future of the Chinese Democracy Movement], Jiushi niandai (The Nineties, Hong Kong, October 1989): 97.

R **1990: “The Wu chün Lu Clan as an Example of Bureaucratization in the T’ang Dynasty” B.C. Asian Review, No. 3/4: 106-152. (Reprinted online by David C. Lam Institute for East West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University,

R **1997: “The Role of Confucian Revivalists in the Confucianization of T’ang Women” Asia Major (Princeton University), Third series, Vol. VIII, Part I (1995): 51-93. Actual publication date: September, 1997.

R 2001: (Invited article) “Minben yu junquan de chongtu – tan chuantong Zhongguo wenhua yu zhuanzhi zhengti” [People Versus Imperial Power – On Traditional Chinese Culture and Autocracy], Wenhua Zhongguo [Cultural China], Vol. 8, No. 1 (March 2001), 68-71.

R 2003: (Invited article) “Bianfa tuqiang de lishi shijian ji qi xiandai yiyi” [Political Reforms and Self-Strengthening in Chinese History and their Contemporary Significance], Wenhua Zhongguo [Cultural China], Vol. 10, No. 1 (March 2003), 24-27.

*R 2004: “Significant Paradoxes in Contemporary Chinese Communist Theoretical Discourse”, by invitation in Professor Leo Liu, ed. Taiwanese Polity in the Twenty-first Century: Politics and Culture in a Global Context, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, Spring, 2004, pp, 107-133. For information, see: 

R 2005: Forward [in Chinese: Qianyan] to Josephine Chiu-Duke (Qiu Huifen), ed. Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition – Essays in Honor of Professor Lin Yü-sheng (as listed above), pp. 5-32.

R 2005: “Humanistic Transcendence: the Intellectual Significance of Gao Xingjian’s One Man’s Bible” [in Chinese: Renwen de chaoyue: Gao Xingjian de Yige ren de shengjing jiqi sixiang yiyi], in Josephine Chiu-Duke (Qiu Huifen), ed. Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition – Essays in Honor of Professor Lin Yü-sheng (as listed above), pp. 521-555.

R 2006: “Mothers and the Well-being of the State in Tang China,” NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China(Leiden, The Netherlands), Vol. 8, No. 1 (2006): 55-114.

2008: Book Preface: “Nation, Country, Cultural Identity, And World Order – Preface to Ding Guo Ten Years Sharpening a Sword” [Minzuguojia, wenhua rentong, yu shijie zhixu—xie zai Ding Guo Shinian mo yijian chuban zhi qian], in Ding Guo Ten Years Sharpening a Sword [Shinian mo yijian], Shanghai: Leanne Communications Inc., 2009, pp. i-ix.

2010: Invited article: “Basic Human Rights and Western Democracy—a Debate with Wang Hui at the [2010] Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting / Qiu Huifen,” Kaifang zazhi (Open Magazine, Hong Kong,, June 2010, pp. 54-58.

2010: Invited article: “A Moribund ‘Way Out’: A Critique of Wang Hui’s Rise of Modern Chinese Thought,” [Meiyou shengji de chulu: lun Wang Hui Xiandai Zhongguo sixiang de xingqi], Shanghai Book Club Weekly Magazine (Jifeng shuyuan julebu). No.191, June 8, 201, pp. 23-30.

R 2011 “Keshou yu chaoyue: Zhaizi Zhongguo tantao de wenti ji qi xiangguan de yiyi (Commitment and Transcendence: Further Significance of Issues Investigated in This is China,” in Reflexion (Sixiang 思想) No. 19, Taipei: Linking, September, 2011, pp. 271-287.

2011-2012: “Spring Flowers and a Chilly Autumn,” co-authored with Michael S. Duke, in Hong Kong Economic Journal (Xin Bao), July 3, 2011. Published October 2012 in Liu Kin-ming, ed. My First Trip to China: Scholars, Diplomats and Journalists reflect on their first encounter with China, Hong Kong: Muse Books, Hong Kong University Press.

R 2015 “In Search of Liberty and Justice in Post-Tiananmen China,” in Joseph Y. S. Cheng, ed., Wither China and the Communist Party Regime? Remembering June Fourth after Twenty-Five Years, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2015, 103-126.

R 2019 “Yü Ying-shih: Bearer, Interpreter, Enhancer, and Illuminator of the Tradition of Chinese Intellectuals” 承負,詮釋與光大中國知識人傳統的余英時). in Lin Zaijue, ed.,《如沐春風:余英時教授的為學與處世: 慶祝余英時教授九秩壽誕文集》 (Taibei: Lianjing,  2019), pp. 65-101.

2019 “‘Chuantong de ‘chuangzaoxing zhuanhua’—cong Yu Yingshi ‘tianren heyi xin zhuanxiang’ shuoqi” 傳統的 “創造性轉化”—從余英時‘天人合一新轉向’說起 (“‘Creative Transformation’ of Chinese Tradition’—Starting from Yü Yingshi’s ‘New Turn of the Unity between Heaven and Man’”) Chinese essay in Reflexion (Sixiang 思想), number 38 (September 2019), pp. 39-85.

R 2020 “Editor’s Preface: Lin Yusheng’s Discourse on and Contribution to the Establishment of Political and Cultural Order in Modern China” by Josephine Chiu-Duke 編者序:林毓生對建設現代中國政治與文化秩序的論述與貢獻,” in The Spirit of the Modern Intellectual Aristocracy: Lin Yusheng’s Recent Works in Intellectual History  (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2020), pp. xiii-xxxviii.

R 2020 “The May Fourth Liberal Legacy in Chan Koonchung’s Jianfeng Ernian,”  in Remembering May Fourth: The Movement and its Centennial Legacy, edited by Carlos Yu-Kai Lin and Victor Mair (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2020), pp. 53-74.

R 2022 and 2023: “Yü Ying-shih lun Zhongguo wenhua he ziyou minzhu jiesun de jingshen ziyuan, 余英時論中國文化和自由民主接榫的精神資源 (Yü Ying-shih On the Spiritual Resources in Chinese Culture for a Connection with Liberal Democracy), in Wang Dewei [David Wang] 王德威, ed. 主編, Yü Ying-shih yuanshi jinian zhuanji 余英時院士紀念專輯” (Academician Yü Ying-shih Commemorative Collection),《中國文哲研究通訊》(Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Newsletter Quarterly, 2022). Published again as a book chapter in Hu Xiaozhen, ed. 胡曉真 編, Yuedu Yu Ying-shih zhuzuo yu zhiye 閱讀余英時:著作與志業 (Reading Yu Ying-shih: works and accomplishments), Taipei 臺北: Yunchen wenhua shiye gufen youxian gongse 允晨文化實業股份有限公司, 2023, 129-140.
R 2022: “An Exemplary Model Intellectual Who Exerted Every Effort In Pursuit of The Fundamental Values of Human Life—Respectfully Mouning the Death of Professor Yü Ying-Shih:” “Wei zhuiqiu rensheng jiben jiazhi’ er fuchu nuli de dianfa zhishiren—Jingdao Yü Ying-shih,” “為追求人生基本價值」而付出努力的典範知識人—敬悼余英時先生” , Cherishing the Memory of Professor Yü Ying-shih, Lin Zaijue, ed., Taipei: Lianjing, 2023, 165-174. Xin you simu: Yü Ying-shih jiaoshou jinianji 心有思慕—余英時教授紀念集, 林載爵編, 臺北: 聯經, 2022 .


1997: Stephen Owen, The End of the Chinese ‘Middle Ages’: Essays in Mid-Tang Literary Culture, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996. 209 pp., in Journal of Asian Studies (February 1997): 183-185.

R 2003: Michael Nylan, The Five “Confucian” Classics, Yale University Press. 2001. xiii, 402 pp. Notes and bibliography,, in American Historical Review (April 2003), 492-493. Invited review.

R 2004: Deng Xiaonan, ed. Tang Song Nuxing yu Shehui (Women/Female and Society in Tang-Song China, 617-1279), Shanghai: Cishu Chubanshe, 2003. 2 volumes, 918 pp., forthcoming in Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 47.2 (April 2004), pp. 280-82. Galley proofs returned March 19, 2004.

2007 (Review article): Yao Ping, Tangdai funü de shengming licheng (The life courses of Tang dynasty women), Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2004, 374 pp. In NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China (Leiden, The Netherlands), Vol. 9, No. 2 (Fall 2007): 375-385.

2008: David Der-wei Wang and Carlos Rojas, eds., Writing Taiwan: A New Literary History, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2007, 412 pp. Pacific Affairs, Volume 80, No. 4 (Winter 2008-2008), pp. 671-673.

2009: Chen Jo-shui, Tangdai de funü wenhua yü jiating shenghuo [Women’s culture and family life in the Tang dynasty], Taipei: Yunchen Culture Publishing (Yunchen wenhua), 2007, 335 pp. NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China (Leiden, The Netherlands), Vol. 11, No. 1, (Spring 2009): pp. 305-308.

2011: Jack W. Chen. The Poetics of Sovereignty: On Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. Cambridge (Mass): The Harvard University Asia Center, 2010, pp. xvii, 445, American Historical Review, October 2011, pp. 1099-1100.


1996: “Ci zhong you zhen yi: Lo Shichang de yishu,” translation of Michael S. Duke, “Expressing the profound truth of common things: the art of Shyh-Charng Lo”, in Yu ziran duihua [Dialogue with Nature], Taibei: Dunhuang yishu zhongxin, 1996, p. 3. Catalogue of Lo Shyh-Charng exhibition at Dunhuang gallery, Taibei, Taiwan, October, 1996 (also published in Diancang art magazine).

R *1999: With Michael S. Duke, “Reflections on the ‘Creative Transformation of Chinese Tradition”, by Lin Yü-sheng (University of Wisconsin, Madison), in Karl-Heinz Pohl, ed. Chinese Thought in a Global Context: A Dialogue Between Chinese and Western Philosophical Approaches. Leiden, Boston, K?ln: Brill, 1999, 73-114.

R 2012: “The Significance of the ‘Weng’an Incident,’” (June 2008), in Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, No Hatred: Selected Essays and Poems, edited by Perry Link, Tienchi Martin-Liao and Liu Xia, Forward by Václav Havel, Harvard University Press, 2012, pp. 107-113. Liu Xiaobo is the recipient of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize; in October 2010 he was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

R 2012: “Behind the ‘China Miracle,’” (November 2008), in Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, No Hatred: pp. 223-227.

R 2012: “Behind The Rise of the Great Powers,” (December 2006), in Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, pp. 228-239. Reprinted in GUERNICA: a magazine of art & politics (January 1, 2012).

R 2012: Co-translation with Michael S. Duke, “Bellicose and Thuggish— The Roots of Chinese “Patriotism” at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century,” (July 2001), in Liu Xiaobo, pp. 62-84.

R 2020 Co-translation with Michael S. Duke: Ge Zhaoguang, “Imagining ‘All Under Heaven’: the Political, Intellectual, and Academic Background of a New Utopia,” in David Der-wei Wang, Angela Ki Che Leung, and Zhang Yide, eds., Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context: Texts, Ideas, Spaces (Hong Kong University Press, 2020), pp. 15-35. Also published in the online forum China Dream Project: 


1985: “Wei shenmo piping ‘dang guanliao’ de zhishi fenzi ye yinggai shou piping” (Why Should Intellectuals Who Criticize “Party Bureaucracy” Also Be Criticized, an open letter to John King Fairbank), Zhishi fenzi (The Chinese Intellectual, New York, January 1985): 131.

2003: “Thoughts on Establishing a Cosmopolitan View” (Qiantan Guojiguan), Shenzhou shibao (China Journal), no. 573, June 13, 2003, p. A19 (referenced as important reading on the front page).

2003: “Kuayue Meiyou Shengji de Liangji: Liang An Guanxi Zai Fansi” [Beyond Perilous Polarities: Reflections on China-Taiwan Relations], Zhonghua Shibao [Canada China Times], August 1, 2003, p. B1 and August 8, 2003, p. B1.

2004: “Taiwan daxuan de fansi” [Reflections on Taiwan’s Presidential Election], Shenzhou shibao [China Journal], April 16, 2004, p. 5A, and April 23, 2004, p. A6.

2022: “The significance and contemporary relevance of Yu Ying-shih’s Between Heaven and Man—an Exploration of the Rise of Ancient Chinese Thought” 余英時《論天人之際-古代中國思想起源試探》的原創意義及時代相關性 for a seminar entitled “In Memorium: Returning to Yu Ying-shih’s Living Room” 紀念會—「回到余英時的客廳」held on July 30, 2022 in Taipei, Taiwan sponsored by Liking (Lianjing) Publishers. Published on August 2, 2022 by the Editorial Board here with the title: “Qiu Huifen: Re-reading Between Heaven and Man, and thinking about making the axial values into a reality”, 丘慧芬:重讀《論天人之際》,如何讓軸心價值成為具體的真實.

2022: Invited obituary for Professor Lin Yusheng (August 7, 1934-November 22, 2022) entitled “Jingdao Lin Yusheng xiansheng (1934-2022)—丘慧芬:敬悼林毓生先生(1934-2022)——一位純正的思想史家與自由主義者, Respectively Mourning Mr. Lin Yusheng (1934-2922)—a True Intellectual Historian and Liberal,” at here Also posted by Chinese University of Hong Kong.



1. “Women, Confucian Teaching, and State Building in T’ang China.” An expansion of my essay on T’ang women.

2. “The Future of Democracy in Taiwan.”

3. “The Pursuit of Liberty in Contemporary China.”


1. “Some Prospects and Perils for the Future of Democracy in Taiwan.” Paper to be presented at the Western Conference Association for Asian Studies meetings in October, 2004.

2. “Wives and Family Preservation in Tang China (618-907).”

Josephine Chiu-Duke

Professor | Chinese Intellectual History
phone 604 822 5732
location_on Asian Centre 406
Research Area
About keyboard_arrow_down


M.A., History: Modern Chinese Intellectual History, History Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1982.

Ph.D. (U.B.C.) — Chinese Intellectual History

Email: chiuduke(at)

Special research interest:

(l) Traditional Chinese social, intellectual and cultural history, specializing in T’ang and Sung dynasty (607-1274).
(2) Modern Chinese social, intellectual and cultural history.
(3) Twentieth-century Chinese fiction.


2006: Chosen by the Vancouver Sun newspaper as one of the “100 Influential Chinese-Canadians in B.C.” (Vancouver Sun, Saturday, October 21, 2006, pages A 1 & 6; C 1 & 6-9).

Teaching keyboard_arrow_down
Publications keyboard_arrow_down


(R indicates refereed publication)


R To Rebuild the Empire: Lu Chih’s Confucian Pragmatist Approach to the Mid-T’ang Predicament, Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture, 2000, 311pp.

R 2023 In Search of  Liberty: Lin Yusheng’s Life and Thought [Ziyou de zhuixun: Lin Yü-sheng de sixiang yu shengming 《自由的追尋:林毓生的思想與生命》. Taipei: Lianjing (Liking) Publisher, February 23, 2023.


R Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition–- Essays in Honor of Professor Lin Yü-sheng [Chinese title with some English: Ziyou zhuyi yu renwen chuantong – Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition – Lin Yü-sheng xiansheng zhushou lunwenji], Taipei, Taiwan: Yun Chen Publishing Company, (June 20) 2005, 555 pp.Yunchen Asian Culture, Sixteen essays (13 in Chinese, 3 in English). This book was awarded Taiwan’s United Daily News Award for Best Non-fiction (Non-literature) Book of 2005.

R 2020 The Spirit of the Modern Intellectual Aristocracy: Lin Yusheng’s Recent Works in Intellectual History, edited by Josephine Chiu-Duke (丘慧芬),   with the Chinese title《現代知識貴族的精神:林毓生思想近作選》) (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2020.)


R 2016 Ying-shih Yü, Chinese History and Culture: Sixth Century B.C.E. to Seventeenth Century C.E., Columbia University Press, 2016, 448 pp. Co-edited with Michael S. Duke. Includes 7 page “Editorial Note.”

R 2016 Ying-shih Yü, Chinese History and Culture: Seventeenth Through Twentieth Century, 432 pp., Columbia University Press, 2016. Co-edited with Michael S. Duke. Includes same 7 page “Editorial Note.”


R 2014 An Intellectual History of China, Volume One: Knowledge, Thought, and Belief before the Seventh Century CE, by Ge Zhaoguang, Co-translated by Michael S. Duke and Josephine Chiu-Duke, Brill Humanities in China Series, 2014.
Choice Outstanding Academic Title of 2014

*R 2018 Co-translation, with Michael S. Duke. Ge Zhaoguang, An Intellectual History of China, Volume Two: Knowledge, Thought and Belief From the Seventh Through the Nineteenth Century, (Leiden: Brill, June 2018), xvii, 362 pp. Invited translation of specially prepared abridgement of 葛兆光中國思想史,第二卷 七世紀至十九世紀中國的知識、思想與信仰.

**R 2021 Co-translation, with Michael S. Duke. Yü Ying-shih, From Rural China to the Ivy League: Yü Ying-shih’s Reminiscences of His Life and Times (Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2021), xvi, 281 pages plus Index. Originally published as Yü Ying-shih Huiyilu 余英時回憶錄 (Taibei 臺北: Yunchen Culture Publishing Corporation 允晨文化實業股份有限公司, 2018).


R *1980: “Jiaoyu pingjian gainian yu moshi zhi yanjiu” (A Study of the Concept and Models of Educational Evaluation), Taiwan shifan daxue xuebao (Journal of National Taiwan Normal University), No.25 (1980): 6 -32.

1980: “Jiaoyu pingjian ying ju you jiazhi daoxiang derenwu” (Educational Evaluation Should Be Value Oriented), Jinrijiaoyu (Today’s Education, Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University), No. 37 (1980): 24 – 29.

1980: “Ruhe jianli lianghao de shi-sheng guanxi” (How to Establish Good Teacher-Student Relationships), Taiwan jiaoyu (Taiwan Education Review, Taipei), No. 351 (1980): 15 – 17.

R *1983: “‘Geming zhi zi’ de chongsheng yiyi,” (The Rebirth of a “Son of the Revolution”), Qishi niandai (The Seventies, Hong Kong,May 1983): 69-73.

R *1985: “Lun Wang Xizhe de sixiang moshi” (On Wang Xizhe’s Mode of Thinking), Zhishi fenzi (The Chinese Intellectual, New York, April 1985): 107-112 (Chinese reworking of theoretical portion of MA Thesis).

R 1989: “Wei shengming xunzhao dingwei de Shi Tiesheng” (Shi Tiesheng’s Search for Life), Lianhe wenxue (Unitas, Taipei, April 1989): 41-44. (Shi Tiesheng is a well-known contemporary Chinese writer living in Beijing.)

1989: (Pen name Wei Ming) “Wen’gehua de ‘Zhongguo minzhu yundong qianjing yantaohui’” [Vancouver Seminar on the Future of the Chinese Democracy Movement], Jiushi niandai (The Nineties, Hong Kong, October 1989): 97.

R **1990: “The Wu chün Lu Clan as an Example of Bureaucratization in the T’ang Dynasty” B.C. Asian Review, No. 3/4: 106-152. (Reprinted online by David C. Lam Institute for East West Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University,

R **1997: “The Role of Confucian Revivalists in the Confucianization of T’ang Women” Asia Major (Princeton University), Third series, Vol. VIII, Part I (1995): 51-93. Actual publication date: September, 1997.

R 2001: (Invited article) “Minben yu junquan de chongtu – tan chuantong Zhongguo wenhua yu zhuanzhi zhengti” [People Versus Imperial Power – On Traditional Chinese Culture and Autocracy], Wenhua Zhongguo [Cultural China], Vol. 8, No. 1 (March 2001), 68-71.

R 2003: (Invited article) “Bianfa tuqiang de lishi shijian ji qi xiandai yiyi” [Political Reforms and Self-Strengthening in Chinese History and their Contemporary Significance], Wenhua Zhongguo [Cultural China], Vol. 10, No. 1 (March 2003), 24-27.

*R 2004: “Significant Paradoxes in Contemporary Chinese Communist Theoretical Discourse”, by invitation in Professor Leo Liu, ed. Taiwanese Polity in the Twenty-first Century: Politics and Culture in a Global Context, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, Spring, 2004, pp, 107-133. For information, see: 

R 2005: Forward [in Chinese: Qianyan] to Josephine Chiu-Duke (Qiu Huifen), ed. Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition – Essays in Honor of Professor Lin Yü-sheng (as listed above), pp. 5-32.

R 2005: “Humanistic Transcendence: the Intellectual Significance of Gao Xingjian’s One Man’s Bible” [in Chinese: Renwen de chaoyue: Gao Xingjian de Yige ren de shengjing jiqi sixiang yiyi], in Josephine Chiu-Duke (Qiu Huifen), ed. Liberalism and the Humanistic Tradition – Essays in Honor of Professor Lin Yü-sheng (as listed above), pp. 521-555.

R 2006: “Mothers and the Well-being of the State in Tang China,” NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China(Leiden, The Netherlands), Vol. 8, No. 1 (2006): 55-114.

2008: Book Preface: “Nation, Country, Cultural Identity, And World Order – Preface to Ding Guo Ten Years Sharpening a Sword” [Minzuguojia, wenhua rentong, yu shijie zhixu—xie zai Ding Guo Shinian mo yijian chuban zhi qian], in Ding Guo Ten Years Sharpening a Sword [Shinian mo yijian], Shanghai: Leanne Communications Inc., 2009, pp. i-ix.

2010: Invited article: “Basic Human Rights and Western Democracy—a Debate with Wang Hui at the [2010] Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting / Qiu Huifen,” Kaifang zazhi (Open Magazine, Hong Kong,, June 2010, pp. 54-58.

2010: Invited article: “A Moribund ‘Way Out’: A Critique of Wang Hui’s Rise of Modern Chinese Thought,” [Meiyou shengji de chulu: lun Wang Hui Xiandai Zhongguo sixiang de xingqi], Shanghai Book Club Weekly Magazine (Jifeng shuyuan julebu). No.191, June 8, 201, pp. 23-30.

R 2011 “Keshou yu chaoyue: Zhaizi Zhongguo tantao de wenti ji qi xiangguan de yiyi (Commitment and Transcendence: Further Significance of Issues Investigated in This is China,” in Reflexion (Sixiang 思想) No. 19, Taipei: Linking, September, 2011, pp. 271-287.

2011-2012: “Spring Flowers and a Chilly Autumn,” co-authored with Michael S. Duke, in Hong Kong Economic Journal (Xin Bao), July 3, 2011. Published October 2012 in Liu Kin-ming, ed. My First Trip to China: Scholars, Diplomats and Journalists reflect on their first encounter with China, Hong Kong: Muse Books, Hong Kong University Press.

R 2015 “In Search of Liberty and Justice in Post-Tiananmen China,” in Joseph Y. S. Cheng, ed., Wither China and the Communist Party Regime? Remembering June Fourth after Twenty-Five Years, Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press, 2015, 103-126.

R 2019 “Yü Ying-shih: Bearer, Interpreter, Enhancer, and Illuminator of the Tradition of Chinese Intellectuals” 承負,詮釋與光大中國知識人傳統的余英時). in Lin Zaijue, ed.,《如沐春風:余英時教授的為學與處世: 慶祝余英時教授九秩壽誕文集》 (Taibei: Lianjing,  2019), pp. 65-101.

2019 “‘Chuantong de ‘chuangzaoxing zhuanhua’—cong Yu Yingshi ‘tianren heyi xin zhuanxiang’ shuoqi” 傳統的 “創造性轉化”—從余英時‘天人合一新轉向’說起 (“‘Creative Transformation’ of Chinese Tradition’—Starting from Yü Yingshi’s ‘New Turn of the Unity between Heaven and Man’”) Chinese essay in Reflexion (Sixiang 思想), number 38 (September 2019), pp. 39-85.

R 2020 “Editor’s Preface: Lin Yusheng’s Discourse on and Contribution to the Establishment of Political and Cultural Order in Modern China” by Josephine Chiu-Duke 編者序:林毓生對建設現代中國政治與文化秩序的論述與貢獻,” in The Spirit of the Modern Intellectual Aristocracy: Lin Yusheng’s Recent Works in Intellectual History  (Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, 2020), pp. xiii-xxxviii.

R 2020 “The May Fourth Liberal Legacy in Chan Koonchung’s Jianfeng Ernian,”  in Remembering May Fourth: The Movement and its Centennial Legacy, edited by Carlos Yu-Kai Lin and Victor Mair (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2020), pp. 53-74.

R 2022 and 2023: “Yü Ying-shih lun Zhongguo wenhua he ziyou minzhu jiesun de jingshen ziyuan, 余英時論中國文化和自由民主接榫的精神資源 (Yü Ying-shih On the Spiritual Resources in Chinese Culture for a Connection with Liberal Democracy), in Wang Dewei [David Wang] 王德威, ed. 主編, Yü Ying-shih yuanshi jinian zhuanji 余英時院士紀念專輯” (Academician Yü Ying-shih Commemorative Collection),《中國文哲研究通訊》(Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy Newsletter Quarterly, 2022). Published again as a book chapter in Hu Xiaozhen, ed. 胡曉真 編, Yuedu Yu Ying-shih zhuzuo yu zhiye 閱讀余英時:著作與志業 (Reading Yu Ying-shih: works and accomplishments), Taipei 臺北: Yunchen wenhua shiye gufen youxian gongse 允晨文化實業股份有限公司, 2023, 129-140.
R 2022: “An Exemplary Model Intellectual Who Exerted Every Effort In Pursuit of The Fundamental Values of Human Life—Respectfully Mouning the Death of Professor Yü Ying-Shih:” “Wei zhuiqiu rensheng jiben jiazhi’ er fuchu nuli de dianfa zhishiren—Jingdao Yü Ying-shih,” “為追求人生基本價值」而付出努力的典範知識人—敬悼余英時先生” , Cherishing the Memory of Professor Yü Ying-shih, Lin Zaijue, ed., Taipei: Lianjing, 2023, 165-174. Xin you simu: Yü Ying-shih jiaoshou jinianji 心有思慕—余英時教授紀念集, 林載爵編, 臺北: 聯經, 2022 .


1997: Stephen Owen, The End of the Chinese ‘Middle Ages’: Essays in Mid-Tang Literary Culture, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996. 209 pp., in Journal of Asian Studies (February 1997): 183-185.

R 2003: Michael Nylan, The Five “Confucian” Classics, Yale University Press. 2001. xiii, 402 pp. Notes and bibliography,, in American Historical Review (April 2003), 492-493. Invited review.

R 2004: Deng Xiaonan, ed. Tang Song Nuxing yu Shehui (Women/Female and Society in Tang-Song China, 617-1279), Shanghai: Cishu Chubanshe, 2003. 2 volumes, 918 pp., forthcoming in Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient, Vol. 47.2 (April 2004), pp. 280-82. Galley proofs returned March 19, 2004.

2007 (Review article): Yao Ping, Tangdai funü de shengming licheng (The life courses of Tang dynasty women), Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2004, 374 pp. In NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China (Leiden, The Netherlands), Vol. 9, No. 2 (Fall 2007): 375-385.

2008: David Der-wei Wang and Carlos Rojas, eds., Writing Taiwan: A New Literary History, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2007, 412 pp. Pacific Affairs, Volume 80, No. 4 (Winter 2008-2008), pp. 671-673.

2009: Chen Jo-shui, Tangdai de funü wenhua yü jiating shenghuo [Women’s culture and family life in the Tang dynasty], Taipei: Yunchen Culture Publishing (Yunchen wenhua), 2007, 335 pp. NAN NÜ: Men, Women and Gender in China (Leiden, The Netherlands), Vol. 11, No. 1, (Spring 2009): pp. 305-308.

2011: Jack W. Chen. The Poetics of Sovereignty: On Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. Cambridge (Mass): The Harvard University Asia Center, 2010, pp. xvii, 445, American Historical Review, October 2011, pp. 1099-1100.


1996: “Ci zhong you zhen yi: Lo Shichang de yishu,” translation of Michael S. Duke, “Expressing the profound truth of common things: the art of Shyh-Charng Lo”, in Yu ziran duihua [Dialogue with Nature], Taibei: Dunhuang yishu zhongxin, 1996, p. 3. Catalogue of Lo Shyh-Charng exhibition at Dunhuang gallery, Taibei, Taiwan, October, 1996 (also published in Diancang art magazine).

R *1999: With Michael S. Duke, “Reflections on the ‘Creative Transformation of Chinese Tradition”, by Lin Yü-sheng (University of Wisconsin, Madison), in Karl-Heinz Pohl, ed. Chinese Thought in a Global Context: A Dialogue Between Chinese and Western Philosophical Approaches. Leiden, Boston, K?ln: Brill, 1999, 73-114.

R 2012: “The Significance of the ‘Weng’an Incident,’” (June 2008), in Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, No Hatred: Selected Essays and Poems, edited by Perry Link, Tienchi Martin-Liao and Liu Xia, Forward by Václav Havel, Harvard University Press, 2012, pp. 107-113. Liu Xiaobo is the recipient of the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize; in October 2010 he was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

R 2012: “Behind the ‘China Miracle,’” (November 2008), in Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, No Hatred: pp. 223-227.

R 2012: “Behind The Rise of the Great Powers,” (December 2006), in Liu Xiaobo, No Enemies, pp. 228-239. Reprinted in GUERNICA: a magazine of art & politics (January 1, 2012).

R 2012: Co-translation with Michael S. Duke, “Bellicose and Thuggish— The Roots of Chinese “Patriotism” at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century,” (July 2001), in Liu Xiaobo, pp. 62-84.

R 2020 Co-translation with Michael S. Duke: Ge Zhaoguang, “Imagining ‘All Under Heaven’: the Political, Intellectual, and Academic Background of a New Utopia,” in David Der-wei Wang, Angela Ki Che Leung, and Zhang Yide, eds., Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context: Texts, Ideas, Spaces (Hong Kong University Press, 2020), pp. 15-35. Also published in the online forum China Dream Project: 


1985: “Wei shenmo piping ‘dang guanliao’ de zhishi fenzi ye yinggai shou piping” (Why Should Intellectuals Who Criticize “Party Bureaucracy” Also Be Criticized, an open letter to John King Fairbank), Zhishi fenzi (The Chinese Intellectual, New York, January 1985): 131.

2003: “Thoughts on Establishing a Cosmopolitan View” (Qiantan Guojiguan), Shenzhou shibao (China Journal), no. 573, June 13, 2003, p. A19 (referenced as important reading on the front page).

2003: “Kuayue Meiyou Shengji de Liangji: Liang An Guanxi Zai Fansi” [Beyond Perilous Polarities: Reflections on China-Taiwan Relations], Zhonghua Shibao [Canada China Times], August 1, 2003, p. B1 and August 8, 2003, p. B1.

2004: “Taiwan daxuan de fansi” [Reflections on Taiwan’s Presidential Election], Shenzhou shibao [China Journal], April 16, 2004, p. 5A, and April 23, 2004, p. A6.

2022: “The significance and contemporary relevance of Yu Ying-shih’s Between Heaven and Man—an Exploration of the Rise of Ancient Chinese Thought” 余英時《論天人之際-古代中國思想起源試探》的原創意義及時代相關性 for a seminar entitled “In Memorium: Returning to Yu Ying-shih’s Living Room” 紀念會—「回到余英時的客廳」held on July 30, 2022 in Taipei, Taiwan sponsored by Liking (Lianjing) Publishers. Published on August 2, 2022 by the Editorial Board here with the title: “Qiu Huifen: Re-reading Between Heaven and Man, and thinking about making the axial values into a reality”, 丘慧芬:重讀《論天人之際》,如何讓軸心價值成為具體的真實.

2022: Invited obituary for Professor Lin Yusheng (August 7, 1934-November 22, 2022) entitled “Jingdao Lin Yusheng xiansheng (1934-2022)—丘慧芬:敬悼林毓生先生(1934-2022)——一位純正的思想史家與自由主義者, Respectively Mourning Mr. Lin Yusheng (1934-2922)—a True Intellectual Historian and Liberal,” at here Also posted by Chinese University of Hong Kong.



1. “Women, Confucian Teaching, and State Building in T’ang China.” An expansion of my essay on T’ang women.

2. “The Future of Democracy in Taiwan.”

3. “The Pursuit of Liberty in Contemporary China.”


1. “Some Prospects and Perils for the Future of Democracy in Taiwan.” Paper to be presented at the Western Conference Association for Asian Studies meetings in October, 2004.

2. “Wives and Family Preservation in Tang China (618-907).”