Go by Bike Week Happening Now and Discounted Bike Share Resources

Go by Bike Week is happening now from June 3-9! During this week-long event, there will be many Celebration and Community stations across Lower Mainland, where participants can enjoy free snacks, basic bike maintenance, prizes, and more. The purpose of this week is to inspire more people to get outside and ride their bikes.

Biking to work is not just great for your health and well-being; it’s also a powerful way to contribute to a sustainable future. Here’s how:

  1. Reduced carbon footprint: The largest GHG emissions source on UBC campus is commuting. According to research by the University of Oxford, choosing a bike over a car just once a day can reduce the average person’s transportation-related emissions by 67%!
  2. Fewer Resources: Bicycles require far fewer resources to produce and maintain than cars. This means less manufacturing and waste.
  3. Healthier environment: Reduced vehicle emissions contribute to cleaner air and less noise pollution, resulting to healthier, more livable communities.

Discounted Bike Share Programs at UBC

The UBC community has access to many bike-sharing resources, including discount programs:

Zygg (Getting to and From Campus)

Zygg offers an e-bike rental program, allowing you keep the bike at your home and ride at your convenience. UBC staff, faculty and students can enjoy a free 7-day trial from March 21 to Oct 31. Plus, all UBC members receive a 10% discount on all subscriptions and purchases. Just use your UBC email and code “UBC10” at checkout.

Get your 7-day free trial: https://planning.ubc.ca/e-bike

More UBC Subsidized Subscriptions from Zygg: https://www.ridezygg.com/ubc-subsidy

Mobi (Getting to and From Campus)

Mobi’s bike share program is now accessible on the Vancouver campus. You can pick up and drop off a Mobi bike at any of their 250+ Mobi stations located throughout UBC and the City of Vancouver.

UBC staff, students, and faculty can enjoy great discounts on annual Mobi memberships, including a new 365-Day E-bike Inclusive Pass for only $149 (regularly $299). This pass also comes with a complimentary 365-Day Pass for HOPR.

Look for Mobi stations across campus and Vancouver: https://www.mobibikes.ca/en/map

Get the UBC Pass from Mobi: https://www.mobibikes.ca/en/ubc

HOPR (Getting Around Campus)

90 HOPR stations are located across the UBC Vancouver campus. Discounted rates for students, faculty, and staff, such as a $15 30 Day Pass or a $89 365 Day Pass.

More information: https://gohopr.com/ubc/


Member Spotlight: Winnie Lai’s Experience with Zygg

Curious about how Zygg works in real life? Meet Winnie Lai from the department, who recently tried out Zygg. Here’s what she had to say about her experience:

Can you describe your overall experience with the e-bike program? What motivated you to start using it?

I just moved here last April from Hong Kong and  I noticed that there are so many bike lanes. There is a beautiful greenway near my house called Masumi Mitsui Greenway alongside W 59th Ave. Out of curiosity, I wanted to try riding an e-bike along that greenway. I liked it so much that I extended my trial, and actually considering buying an e-bike myself. Another reason why I wanted to e-bike is that there are so many bikers in Vancouver, and I wanted to understand how the locals live and try it out too!

What’s your favourite spot on campus to bike to? Are there any places you been meaning to visit using bike share but haven’t yet?

I usually bike from home to campus and back. I enjoy the Masumi Greenway. I would like to explore the Northwest Marine Drive area, going to Wreck Beach and Spanish Banks.

Has bike sharing influenced your views on transportation or environmental sustainability?

At the beginning, I was very unfamiliar biking in Vancouver. In some places, the bike lane is in the middle of the motorway, which is very scary. But the bike shop man from Zygg was very helpful and showed me what to watch out for. I am more confident about cycling in the city. After I tried it, it’s much less intimidating and easier than what I expected. It’s good exercise, a mindfulness practice, and environmentally friendly.

Would you recommend the bike share program to your friends or colleagues? What would you tell them?

I have been telling everybody and recommending it to everybody. One thing I would tell them is to give it a try. It’s a free trial. Why not!

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience?

Just try it. It’s worth trying it in this beautiful weather.


Member Spotlight: Vicky Baker’s Experience with Mobi

Can you describe your overall experience with the Mobi bike share program? What motivated you to start using it?

UBC has a great deal on an annual pass for e-bikes, and because I live in East Van, this makes it more appealing than a standard bike. I’ve only just signed up, and not ridden much, but so far I’ve enjoyed it and plan to use it more!

What’s your favourite spot on campus to bike to? Are there any places you been meaning to visit using bike share but haven’t yet?

I am planning to visit Pacific Spirit Park by e-bike, because there is a station at Wesbrook Village. It is usually too far to walk, but easily reachable with a short ride.

Has bike sharing influenced your views on transportation or environmental sustainability?

The e-bike share makes cycling more accessible to those who may not cycle otherwise, and can be faster than a vehicle or the bus. It is also more enjoyable, because it saves time and is good for mindfulness and exercise.

Would you recommend the bike share program to your friends or colleagues? What would you tell them?

The Mobi stations seem to be located mostly in the northern part of Vancouver. If there are stations close to their homes, I would absolutley recommend friends and colleagues to sign up to the Mobi e-bike share program, as it’s much less expensive than purchasing an e-bike, and much easier to ride than a standard bike.

Is there anything else you’d like to share about your experience?

I plan to join the Go by Bike Week next year, and hope some of my colleagues might join!