Asian Studies Climate Emergency Declaration

Asian Studies Climate Emergency Declaration

As students, staff, and faculty members of the Department of Asian Studies, who occupy unceded xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) territory, we recognize the climate crisis to be one of the most urgent issues of our time. We support the UBC Climate Action Plan and are committed to creating and implementing a departmental Sustainability Action Plan. One that follows UN Sustainable Development Goals related to food procurement, energy use and emissions, and waste production, while promoting education and knowledge about climate change and encouraging engagement and activism.

Why issue a climate emergency declaration?

In 2021, residents of British Columbia saw temperatures rise to unprecedented levels of extreme heat in the province. Moreover, as a community concerned with Asia, we have already seen the effects of climate change disproportionately affecting regions and peoples around the world. Recognizing the reality of our global climate emergency and the injustices that result is a first step we can take toward ensuring sustainability and climate justice are priorities that are reflected in the choices made as a department while we appeal for broader national and international policies to address the climate crisis.

Department of Asian Studies Climate Emergency Declaration
The Asian Studies Sustainability Initiative Committee is seeking your support as we consult with students, staff, and faculty in the Department of Asian Studies on our Sustainability Action Plan. This declaration is both symbolic and tied to action in that it will lead to consultation and consensus building around implementing the Department of Asian Studies Sustainability Action Plan.

Who has issued a climate emergency declaration, created a climate action plan, or developed similar initiatives?



Several other departments at UBC recognize that climate change needs are in the process of developing climate action plans.