Colonial Modernization from the Perspective of Quantitative Economic History

Wednesday June 7, 2023
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Colonial Korea experienced rapid industrialization during the 1930s. Views differ, however, on whether this industrialization was inclusive with the development of local Korean firms. The key question is whether the influx of Japanese capital during Korea’s colonial era suppressed industrialization by Korean-owned firms.

In this talk, Dr. Chang-min Lee will discuss whether the advance of Japanese factories into Korea suppressed the entry of Korean factories during the period of rapid industrialization in the 1930s.

The event is free and open to the public. Registration is not required.


Chang-min Lee is a Professor at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, and he has earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Economics from Korea University in Seoul, Korea. He also obtained Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Economics from The University of Tokyo in Japan. Before joining Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, he was a faculty member at Tokyo Institute of Technology and Fukuoka Prefectural University in Japan. His research interests include Japan’s contemporary economy, Korea-Japan economic relations, and Northeast Asia’s economic history.