[Indigenous Taiwan Speaker Series] Conversations with Director Laha Mebow

Wednesday November 3, 2021 - Thursday November 4, 2021
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

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Speaker Series: Indigenous Taiwan: Transpacific Connections

Laha Mebow is the first female indigenous film director in Taiwan. After years of living and studying in cities, she returned to her Atayal tribe and directed several films about indigenous people’s life and culture. Her film Hang in There, Kids! (Atayal: Lokah Laqi) was selected as the Taiwanese entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 89th Academy Awards. Her documentary Ça Fait Si Longtemps focuses on two Taiwan indigenous musicians who were invited to Caledonia for a month of musical exchange with local Kanak musicians. What motivated Laha Mebow to return to the tribe? What challenges do female indigenous filmmakers face in the contemporary Taiwan film industry? How does Laha Mebow tell stories about indigenous children and musicians in her films? And how are we to understand the international connection between indigenous cultures in her films? Join us for the two conversations with Laha Mebow hosted by UBC professor/filmmaker Aynur Kadir and PhD student Yuqing Liu. In the two events, Laha Mebow will share with us her experience of telling Taiwan indigenous stories to the world.

陳潔瑤(Laha Mebow)是台灣第一位原住民女性導演。她在城市中生活以後多年後,決定回到自己的泰雅族部落,並以台灣原住民生活和文化為主題拍攝了多部電影與紀錄片。她的電影《只要我長大》曾代表台灣入圍第89屆奧斯卡金像獎最佳外語片。而她的紀錄片《漂流遇見你》跟隨台灣原住民音樂家到達新喀里多尼亞,展現他們與當地原住民音樂家的音樂交流之旅。是什麼促使了陳潔瑤回到部落?台灣原住民女性導演在當代台灣電影產業面臨怎樣的挑戰?在她的電影中,陳潔瑤是如何講述原住民兒童與音樂家的故事?我們又應該如何理解電影中原住民文化的跨國聯結?歡迎加入我們與陳潔瑤導演的兩場對談!在這兩場由UBC亞洲系教授Aynur Kadir和博士生柳雨青主持的對談中,陳潔瑤將與我們分享她如何透過電影影像向世界講述台灣原住民故事。

Growing Up Atayal: A Conversation with Director Laha Mebow about Indigenous Feature Filmmaking in Taiwan


Date & Time:
Wednesday, November 3, 2021 | 4:00pm-6:00pm (PDT)
Location: online via Zoom
*Conducted in English and Mandarin

Free & open to the public. Registration is required via the link below. Registering once will grant access to both events.

Register here: https://ubc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EaJ8tKo7S0u3RCCWzznGVQ


Yuqing Liu is a Ph.D. candidate in Asian Studies at UBC. She received her BA degree at Fudan University and MA degree at National Taiwan University. Her research focuses on modern Chinese language, literature, and cinema. As a literary scholar and writer, she has also published many essays and fictions in Taiwan and Mainland China. Her essay about the lives of Atayal teenagers won the Cross-Strait Non-Fiction Literature Prize in 2014.


From Taiwan to New Caledonia: A Conversation with Director Laha Mebow about Indigenous Documentary Filmmaking


Director Laha Mebow will be in conversation with Dr. Aynur Kadir (Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia) the day following the first panel.

Date & Time:
Thursday, November 4, 2021 | 4:00pm-6:00pm (PDT)
Location: online via Zoom
*Conducted in English and Mandarin

Free & open to the public. Registration is required via the link below. Registering once will grant access to both events.

Register here: https://ubc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EaJ8tKo7S0u3RCCWzznGVQ


Aynur Kadir is an Indigenous Uyghur scholar, filmmaker and curator with a research focus on the documentation, conservation and revitalization of Indigenous cultures and languages. Her work bridges the gap between Indigenous studies in Canada and in Asia. Her research interests are in global indigeneity from the Uyghur in China to Coast Salish and Six Nations in Canada; transnational Indigenous diplomacy; and the safeguarding and revitalization of languages and cultural heritage through digital technology and collaborative initiatives.

Aynur Kadir教授是一位維吾爾族學者、電影導演和策展人。她主要關注原住民文化和語言的記錄、保護和復興,致力於為加拿大和亞洲原住民文化研究搭建溝通的橋樑。Kadir教授目前的研究興趣主要為全球原住民性(包含中國的維吾爾族和加拿大的Salish和Six Nations)、跨國原住民外交、以及通過數字技術保護和復興原住民的語言和文化遺產。

About the Speaker

Laha Mebow (Tayal Tribe) is Taiwan’s first female aboriginal film director. She has been working in film and television for almost 20 years, and her portfolio of short documentaries and dramas focuses on indigenous themes and culture. She also focuses on Taiwan’s Austronesian links, with plans for making international dramas with Austronesian artists. Her contributions to these issues and international culture exchanges earned her a Top 10 Outstanding Young Women Award from the Taiwan government in 2015. Laha’s latest film “Hang In There, Kids” won five prizes at the 2016 Taiwan Film Festival, including Grand Prize and Best Director, and was Taiwan’s entry for Best Foreign Language Film at the 2017 Academy Awards.

陳潔瑤是台灣第一位原住民電影女導演,以拍攝原住民紀錄片、戲劇為主,也跨域與國外藝術家聯合創作南島民族攝影作品,影視相關經歷近20年。因『發揚原民文化,促進國際交流』, 獲總統頒發第23屆台灣十大傑出女青年。第二部劇情片《只要我長大》雙入選2016台北電影節「國際新導演」與「台北電影獎」競賽單元,獲「台北電影獎」最佳導演等五項大獎,並代表台灣角逐第89屆奧斯卡最佳外語片。

*Both films listed below are available for screening on  November 1, 8 pm PDT – November 4, 8pm PDT. Open to all the registered audience whose IP is located in Canada for free. The screening information will be sent through email prior to the screening time.

*以下兩部電影《只要我長大》與《漂流遇見你》,將於11/1, 8 pm  – 11/4, 8 pm (溫哥華時間) 之間提供給註冊的觀眾免費收看。因為版權限制,我們僅能開放給網路位址在加拿大的觀眾。觀賞連結將於放映開始前以email寄出,請即刻註冊,以確保您能收到電影連結。

Film “Lokah Laqi”

2016|90min|Color|Narrative Feature|Mandarin, Tayal

2016 Taipei Film Awards – Grand Prize, Best Narrative Feature, Best Director, Best New Talents Award for (Editing), Audience’s Choice Award
2016 Golden Horse Awards – Best New Performer, Best Original Screenplay, Best Original Film Song

Watan, Chen-Hao and Lin Shan are three playful Sqoyaw boys forced to deal with problems too big for their age. For Watan, his grandmother, elder brother, and teacher, Miss Lawa, are the most important people in his life, while he must hunt and sell the mountain deer to make money. Chen Hao has a loving father, but misses his mother who moved to the city following divorce. The clothes she sends him from Taipei are his only connection to her. Lin Shan has a father who wants to be a singer but often gets drunk and fights with his mother. The last straw comes when his father accidentally strikes his sister, causing Lin Shan to leave home on is his birthday.

In this heartwarming coming-of-age film, resembling an Indigenous version of Orz Boyz! (2008), Laha Mebow captures the simplicity and perseverance Indigenous peoples maintain in times of difficulty. Under a whimsical tone lie the complex subjects of alcoholism, grandparenting and the outflow of youth. Through children’s eyes we come to understand the adult world’s complexities.

2016|90min| 彩色|劇情片|國語、泰雅語發音

2016 台北電影獎 — 百萬首獎、最佳劇情長片、最佳導演獎、最佳新演員獎、最佳剪輯獎、觀眾票選獎

2016 金馬獎 — 最佳新演員、最佳原著劇本、最佳原創電影歌曲



Film “Ça Fait Si Longtemps”

Is it possible that a group of people share our culture and fate, but are drifting in another part of the ocean? Taiwanese aboriginal musicians, Suming and Baobu, are invited to New Caledonia for a month of musical exchange. They lived with local Kanak musicians, playing music and sometimes composing together. In the end, they all found that the secret to innovation and globalization is to re-discover one’s own cultural roots.
