[Indigenous Taiwan Speaker Series] Conversations with Director Wei Te-sheng

Thursday October 21, 2021 - Friday October 22, 2021
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

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Speaker Series: Indigenous Taiwan: Transpacific Connections

Director Wei Te-sheng on the Making of the First Blockbuster Film about Taiwan’s Indigenous History, Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale

賽德克 · 巴萊:第一部講述台灣原住民歷史並轟動世界的電影

Date & Time:
Thursday, October 21, 2021 | 4:00pm-6:00pm (PDT)
Location: online via Zoom
*Presented in English and Mandarin

Free & open to the public. Registration is required for both events. 

Register here: https://ubc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2QNK9TTtS0Og9pY28nVVSw


Renren Yang’s research and teaching span twentieth-and twenty-first-century Chinese literature, cinema, and popular culture, with a focus on issues of authorship, mediation, and hybrid genres in Chinese literary and media scenes. His current book project, “A Media Genealogy of Literary Fame in Modern China: Paper, Stage, Screen, and Sphere,” traces the changing concepts, practices, and politics of celebrity authorship throughout twentieth-century Chinese history with the ongoing shift from the print to the digital regime of letters.


Indigenous Taiwan at the Movies: A Conversation with Director Wei Te-sheng about Representing Taiwan Tribes in Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale

電影《賽德克 · 巴萊》對台灣原住民部落的再現——對話導演魏德聖

Director Wei Te-sheng will be in conversation with Dr. Aynur Kadir (Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia) the day following the first panel.

Date & Time:
Friday, October 22, 2021 | 4:00pm-6:00pm (PDT)
Location: online via Zoom
*Presented in English and Mandarin

Free & open to the public. Registration is required for both events. 

Register here: https://ubc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2QNK9TTtS0Og9pY28nVVSw


Aynur Kadir is an Indigenous Uyghur scholar, filmmaker and curator with a research focus on the documentation, conservation and revitalization of Indigenous cultures and languages. Her work bridges the gap between Indigenous studies in Canada and in Asia. Her research interests are in global indigeneity from the Uyghur in China to Coast Salish and Six Nations in Canada; transnational Indigenous diplomacy; and the safeguarding and revitalization of languages and cultural heritage through digital technology and collaborative initiatives.

Aynur Kadir教授是一位維吾爾族學者、電影導演和策展人。她主要關注原住民文化和語言的記錄、保護和復興,致力於為加拿大和亞洲原住民文化研究搭建溝通的橋樑。Kadir教授目前的研究興趣主要為全球原住民性(包含中國的維吾爾族和加拿大的Salish和Six Nations)、跨國原住民外交、以及通過數字技術保護和復興原住民的語言和文化遺產。


About the Speaker

Wei Te-sheng graduated from Far Eastern Institute of Technology (now Far Eastern University of Science and Technology) with a degree in Electrical Engineering. His career began when he got a job in a small production house. Then he became an assistant in Edward Yang’s film studio in 1995. In 2008, he directed the film Cape No. 7, which is the highest grossing film ever produced in Taiwan. In the same year, he won the 45th Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Taiwanese Filmmaker. In 2011, his film, Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale, won the 48th Golden Horse Award for Best Feature Film and was selected as one of the top nine foreign-language films in the Academy Awards. His other films include KANO (2014), which he produced and wrote, and 52Hz, I Love You (2017), which he directed and wrote. Wei is committed to improving Taiwan’s film industry, and he always endeavors to prove the talent and ability of Taiwanese filmmakers. His work centered on Taiwan’s history has influenced the whole generation’s understanding of Taiwan. He is currently working on his latest project, Taiwan Trilogy.

Selected Filmography:

Mahjong (1996), Assistant director 

About July (1999), Director 

Doube Vision (2002), Associate producer  

Cape No. 7 (2008), Director 

Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale (2011), Director and screenwriter 

Kano (2014), Producer and screenwriter 

52Hz, I Love You (2017), Director and screenwriter 

Taiwan Trilogy (On going), Director and screenwriter

魏德聖畢業於遠東工專(現遠東科技大學)電機科,非本科系出身的魏德聖帶著對影像的執著從拍片現場的最基層開始歷練。曾任《麻將》副導、《雙瞳》策畫,於2008年執導電影《海角七號》創下全台五億三千萬台幣的賣座成績,打破臺灣影史票房紀錄,至今仍為國片票房紀錄保持者,並獲第45屆金馬獎臺灣傑出電影工作者。2011年執導的電影《賽德克・巴萊》獲得第48屆金馬獎最佳劇情片、入選奧斯卡外語片九強。其他電影作品尚有2014年監製、編劇的《KANO》和2017年導演、編劇的《52Hz, I Love You》。魏德聖不斷致力於電影產業水平的提升,他對臺灣歷史的爬梳及影像化成果也影響了一代人心中對這塊土地的認識。目前正在全力籌備最新計畫《臺灣三部曲》。



《七月天》(1999) |導演、編劇



《賽德克.巴萊 上集—太陽旗》(2011)|導演、編劇

《賽德克.巴萊 下集—彩虹橋》(2011)|導演、編劇


《52Hz, I love you》(2017)|導演、編劇


Relevant links:

Watch Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGAuyah5cKw&ab_channel=YouTubeMovies

Watch the trailer for Cape No.7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TaIUCyyiXI&ab_channel=SammyRice