Woman and Facing the Real: Story-Reading with Fariba Vafi

Saturday May 22, 2021
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

The Department of Asian Studies of the University of British Columbia and UBC Persian Literature Reading Club are delighted to invite all lovers of Persianate Culture to join us in “Woman and Facing the Real: Story-Reading with Fariba Vafi” workshop at 1PM (PST) on May 22, 2021.

In the first part of the session, Dr. Hessam Dehghani and Dr. Mostafa Abedinifard from the Department of Asian Studies will interview Fariba Vafi about her lates novel, “Ruz-e Digar-e Shora”. In the second part of the event, we familiarize you with Vafi’s depiction of women issues and her literary style through analyzing and discussing her collection of short stories “Bī Bād, Bī Pārū.” Use this rare opportunity to have the author give you clues as to how to connect with her stories. Come to the session with your questions and enjoy a mini-lesson of literary criticism from the author.

Presented in Persian. Registration is required.

Registration link: https://ubc.zoom.us/meeting/register/u50ld-yopj4pG9V656c5BTTpzaLjSWjk0n7b