Announcements 最新消息
3/11/2020: We’ve opted to cancel this year’s UBC Cantonese Singing Contest due to safety concerns. We apologise to those hoping to attend, and stay tuned for future events!
3/2/2020: Due to current public health and safety concerns, the 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest has been rescheduled to Thursday March 26, 2020 broadcast live online from UBC campus to a global audience. Please stay tuned for more details and updates! 鑒於目前公衆衛生及安全考慮,第二屆卑詩大學粵語歌唱比賽將改於 2020 年 3 月 26 日星期四晚上 7 點正全球網上直播,大家可安坐家中欣賞賽事。請留意稍後更多詳情公佈。
2/16/2020: Free tickets will soon be available by RSVP. Please stay tuned for registration details. 決賽免費入場門票即將接受登記,請密切留意本頁嘅消息!
2/14/2020: Congratulations to the following finalists 恭喜以下決賽入圍選手:
- Cantonese as First Language 母語組 – Cindy Chow, Brian Chum, Capri Kong, Teresa Tsang, Ernest Tse, Davin Wong, Young Sixteen
- Cantonese as Additional Language 非母語組 – Cathy Du, Wenjing Guo & Yingqi Ouyang, Miko Hu & Nemorino Xu, Lin Li, Weiyoung Tan, Jessica Wang
- Non-UBC Invitational 友校邀請組 – Winnie Hui (Kwantlen), Kenith Lam (SFU), Kelvin Leung (SFU), Samantha Mo (SFU), Jason Pang (SFU), Ernest Yung (Capilano), 薄情哥 (SFU – Aston Fong, Kelvin Leung, Dereck So, Danson Wong)
2/8/2020: Thanks to all contestants who participated in the preliminary round. We will announce the list of finalists soon. Stay tuned! 多謝所有參與初賽嘅同學。我哋好快會公佈決賽嘅入圍名單,請密切留意本頁嘅消息!
2/1/2020: Registration for contestants has closed. Registered individuals will be contacted to participate in the preliminary round. 比賽已截止報名,我哋會聯絡參賽者安排初賽事宜。
1/15/2020: The 2nd UBC Cantonese Singing Contest is open to registration for contestants now! Please register by completing the registration form by January 31. 第二屆卑詩大學粵語歌唱比賽已開始接受報名!請喺 1 月 31 日或之前填妥報名表格。