2013 MEXT Japanese Studies Scholarship

The Application Guide and Forms are now available for the Government of Japan’s, 2013 MEXT Japanese Studies Scholarship. These documents can be downloaded from the Consulate General of Japan’s website: http://www.vancouver.ca.emb-japan.go.jp/en/culture/mext.htm.

The Japanese Studies Scholarship is aimed at undergraduate students attending university, who are interested in deepening their knowledge of Japanese language, culture and affairs.

Applicants should be:

Ideally, currently enrolled in the 2nd or 3rd year of a full-time university or have completed at least one full academic year of university studies (by April 2013 for the 2013 scholarship year).

Undergraduate students at a foreign (non-Japanese) university at the time of arriving in Japan and returning to the same foreign university, after completion of the scholarship, to complete a bachelor’s degree program. (Students transferring from one college/university to another, after completing the scholarship, are not eligible.).

Born between April 2, 1983 and April 1, 1995 (for the 2013 scholarship year).

Majoring in Japanese language or fields related to Japanese culture.

Proficient enough in Japanese language ability to receive education at a Japanese university taught in Japanese.

The term of the scholarship is approximately one year, beginning in October 2013. Allowance is approximately 117,000 yen per month. Flight transportation from the recipients country of nationality to Japan and return is also covered. Terms subject to change.

Application forms may be submitted until Wednesday, March 13, 2013 to the Consulate General of Japan in Vancouver. Selected applicants will be asked to attend an interview and Japanese language examination at the Consulate in mid to late March. The exact date and time will be decided in the future.