Home/News/2023 Japanese Language Program Writing Contest – さくぶんコンテスト
2023 Japanese Language Program Writing Contest – さくぶんコンテスト
October 6, 2023
UBC Japanese Language Program is holding an essay and short fiction contest for all students who are enrolled in the 2023 Winter Terms. Students who took Japanese courses in the past are also welcome to join the contest! The objectives of the competition are to encourage creativity through writing in a newly learned language and to give students opportunities to encounter different ideas and ways of thinking.
Eligibility: Open to UBC students who:
are enrolled in JAPN courses in the 2023-2024 Winter Terms
took JAPN courses in the past
There are two categories to enter:
JAPN 100s and 200s
500- 600
JAPN 300s and 400s
Format: An essay or short story on the theme.
Theme: ありがとう (Give your own title).
Entry must be created using the template (click HERE to download), saved as a single pdf document, and submitted HERE.
Entry must be typed (12pt, MS Mincho) and include your full name in Japanese and English.
Entry must not exceed the maximum number of characters and must not include tables, photos, pictures, etc. (Punctuation marks will be counted as characters. The title of your writing, your name, etc., at the top of the template will not be counted.)
Entry must be your original writing (AI is not eligible to participate in the contest).
Entries will be judged on originality, clear expression of ideas and effective use of the language.
Winners will be announced in January 2024.
The names of the winners and their work may be published on the website of the Department of Asian Studies.
Prize: Prizes will be presented to the 1st to 3rd place winners in junior and senior categories
1st place: A Certificate and Gift Card $100
2nd place: A Certificate and Gift Card $50
3rd place: A Certificate and a gift from the Japanese language program