Call for submissions: 2023 Millennium Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival

As the Mid-Autumn Festival draws near, we cordially invite you to join the “Millennium Mid-Autumn Poetry Gathering” hosted by the UBC Chinese Program, to jointly celebrate this traditional cultural feast. For this poetry gathering, we are inviting all professors and students to participate and submit videos reciting poems related to the Mid-Autumn Festival!

Whether you are taking your first steps into the realm of poetry or you are a seasoned aficionado with a deep appreciation for Chinese verses, we eagerly await your involvement. We invite you to join us in celebrating this ancient festival and basking in the poetic beauty illuminated by the moonlight. We hope that on this beautiful festival, we can together feel the warmth and strength brought by poetry and jointly celebrate the millennia-old beauty of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

(For submission details and event information, please see below.)

🥮 Theme and Format

Please record a video of a poem (or a line from a poem) related to the Mid-Autumn Festival or the moon. You can choose any form of Chinese poetry, be it classical verses or modern poems. You are also encouraged to use any Chinese dialect!

Your recording can be a direct recital to the camera or paired with other visuals. We encourage you to get creative; anything related to the theme is welcome, such as videos of the moon, showcasing your talents (like dancing, singing, or playing an instrument), or other media materials.

Below are some poems given to you as references, but you may also choose other poems that you like:

“月出皎兮,佼人僚兮。舒窈纠兮,劳心悄兮。” – Zhou, 《诗经 – 月出》
“yue4 chu1 jiao3 xi1,jiao3 ren2 liao2 xi1。shu1 yao3 jiu1 xi1,lao2 xin1 qiao1 xi1。” – Zhou, 《 shi1 jing1 – yue4 chu1》

“海上生明月,天涯共此时。” – Tang, 张九龄
“hai3 shang4 sheng1 ming2 yue4,tian1 ya2 gong4 ci3 shi2。” – Tang,Zhang Jiuling

“明月几时有,把酒问青天。” – Song, 苏轼
“ming2 yue4 ji3 shi2 you3,ba3 jiu3 wen4 qing1 tian1。” – Song,Su shi

🥮 How to Submit

For submission, please click here and complete this Qualtrics

We will collect some basic information about you and the submission page will be at the end of this questionnaire.

QR Code for the Qualtrics

Deadline for submission: September 22, 2023, 11:59 pm (Vancouver Time)

Naming format for submission: CHIN course number + section number + author’s name (e.g. CHIN471 001 Gao Qiqiang)

⚠️ To protect your personal information, please do not display your student number in your work.

🥮 Benefits of Participating

  • You can earn bonus points for UBC Chinese courses by submitting a video!
  • You can showcase your talents, share insights into poetry and art, and connect with like-minded friends.

By partaking in the 2023 UBC Mid-Autumn Festival Poetry Gathering and submitting artistic works, each participant is consenting to their image release on public websites for educational purposes.

The submitted works will be showcased on the 2023 Mid-Autumn Poetry Festival platform. Your work will be prominently featured on the UBC Chinese Language Program’s official website, Instagram, and other media platforms.