The Winter 2021/22 course schedule is now available. The UBC Department of Asian Studies is pleased to announce that we will be offering two brand-new ASIA courses in 2021/22 Winter Terms! Both courses will be delivered in person on campus. For details of course planning and registration regarding 2021 Winter Session, please visit this new 2021 Winter Session page published on Faculty of Arts’s website.

ASIA 150: Asian Internets
Instructor: Bruce Rusk
Term offered: 2021 Winter Term 2
Course description:
The internet is a set of global connections, yet everyone experiences it differently, depending on their interests, language, and access. More than half of the world’s internet users are in Asia, and this course introduces the range of internet resources they use, how they connect to them, and how we can learn about contemporary Asian cultures through online sources.
JAPN 465: Japanese Media and Translation
Instructors: Saori Hoshi and Ayaka Yoshimizu
Term offered: 2021 Winter Term 1
Course description:
This course is designed to help students develop translingual and transcultural literacies through critiquing Japanese popular media and translating them into written English in the form of subtitles. As the course is conducted in Japanese and English, students are expected to use the two languages as mediated resources to produce new translations and critiques of existing translations as scholar-translators who are informed by translation, linguistic and film theories. The course is divided into five sections, corresponding to five films to be discussed in class, which are each framed by a different set of themes that relate to socio-cultural settings, cinematic concerns, and linguistic areas of focus.