Is there such a thing as a “bad” Asian Canadian? The ACAM faculty, staff, and students invite you to explore this philosophical question with Jen Sung through personal storytelling and her decade-long flirtation with art + community activism.
Event highlights:
– a short film screening
– breakout discussions

Speaker bio: Jen Sung, Facilitator, artist-activist and co-conspirator at loveintersections.com
Jen Sungshine speaks for a living but lives for breathing life into unspoken situations in unusual places. As a queer, Taiwanese artist-activist based in Vancouver, BC, she is grateful to live, breathe, dance and work on the unceded, occupied and ancestral lands of the Coast Salish nations. She facilitates with creativity and social justice media to evolutionize and revolutionize QTIPOC visibility and community-based work through Our City of Colours, Love Intersections, Out in Schools and the Institute for Gender,Race, Sexuality and Social Justice at the University of British Columbia. Her artistic practice involves unlearning while learning and learning while unlearning; and instead of calling you out, she wants to call you in – to make artful social change with her through the language of love and nerdy codes. She is very wordy.

*Where: Room 120, C.K. Choi Building for The Institute of Asian Research, UBC
*When: Friday October 23, 2015, 12 – 1pm
*Registration: RSVP now to save your seat as there is limited capacity! http://acamlunchoct.eventbrite.ca
*Accessibility info to come.
*Lunch (meat and vegetarian options) will be provided to those RSVP (please email us if you have any special dietary needs).
If you have any questions, please email acam.events@ubc.ca
We hope to see you there!
For more info about the Asian Canadian and Asian Migration Studies program, visit http://acam.arts.ubc.ca