Passing, Posing, Persuasion: Cultural Production and Coloniality in Japan’s East Asian Empire co-edited by Christina Yi (2023)

Publication title: Passing, Posing, Persuasion: Cultural Production and Coloniality in Japan’s East Asian Empire

Publication year: 2023

Author: Edited by Christina Yi, Andre Haag, and Catherine Ryu

About the book

Passing, Posing, Persuasion interrogates the intersections between cultural production, identity, and persuasive messaging that idealized inclusion and unity across Japan’s East Asian empire (1895–1945). Japanese propagandists drew on a pan-Asian rhetoric that sought to persuade colonial subjects to identify with the empire while simultaneously maintaining the distinctions that subjugated them and marking their attempts to self-identify as Japanese as inauthentic, illegitimate forms of “passing” or “posing.” Visions of inclusion encouraged assimilation but also threatened to disrupt the very logic of imperialism itself: If there was no immutable difference between Taiwanese and Japanese subjects, for example, then what justified the subordination of the former to the latter? The chapters emphasize the plurality and heterogeneity of empire, together with the contradictions and tensions of its ideologies of race, nation, and ethnicity.