Langara offering Korea and China Field Studies Course

Langara is pleased to once again offer the popular interdisciplinary field study program to Asia in 2018. This time, they are going to Korea and China! The program will be in Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Seoul, and Busan.  This is an exciting opportunity to travel there and learn about both their business and cultural aspects.
The program will include lectures at prestigious universities, tours of corporations and cultural sites, as well as cultural experiences.  Free time in the evenings and weekends will allow you to explore the cities on your own. Of course, you’ll also earn up to 6 credits.
Instructors Kenneth Wong (INTB 2000 – International Business) and Avram Agov (ASIA 3386 – Asian Century: Modern Korea) will lead the program.
If you have any questions, or want to learn more, please contact:
Kenneth Wong:,  604-323-5511, x2228;
Avram Agov:,604-323-5511, x2387
See the program’s brochure here. Visit their website!
You are very welcome to apply for this exciting program!