Monday, May 16, 4:00pm – 5:30pm (PDT)
Jazbaatan Da Kinara (Coastline of Emotions) is a book of Punjabi poetry written by Gurinder Mann, Lecturer in Punjabi Language and Culture of the Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia. Gurinder’s poems touch upon various topics, issues, and sentiments, and he uses the tools of imagery, metaphor, and personification to illustrate emotions on […]
The Department of Asian Studies is pleased to invite you to our annual Harjit Kaur Sidhu Memorial Program in 2023. Join us in celebrating over 30 years of Punjabi language at UBC on April 6!
This talk offers a critical reflection of the invisibility in working on Indigeneity in southwest Asia within the structural imperatives of the academy. It takes up each of these themes by examining the fields of international relations and Iraqi studies to show how the story of Assyrians is invisible or unintelligible across these fields of […]