Learning Cantonese Language and Culture: Class Visits by Guests and Professionals

For students taking advanced-level Cantonese courses (CNTO 401, 403, 451), in additional to regular lectures, the UBC Cantonese Language Program often invites guest speakers from diverse backgrounds and varying professions, providing students with a more immersive learning experience and enhancing understanding of Cantonese culture at a professional level.

On December 5, 2023, four veteran Hong Kong musicians — A-Hong Chan, Chris Ho, Allan Lau and Jim Yan — paid a special visit to the CNTO 401 Intermediate Cantonese class. After the guests’ brief introductions, the students enjoyed an entertaining game of news quizzes with them. Students not only challenged the guest speakers regarding Hong Kong pop culture, they also tested the guests’ knowledge on news topics and Cantonese expressions that they had learned in class. Through these interactive activities, students were able to enhance their language skills by engaging in conversations with native Cantonese speakers and strengthen their understanding of professional concepts and topics from the special visitors.

Then on February 15, 2024, Joyce Cheung — a renowned theatre producer from Hong Kong — visited the CNTO 451 Advanced Cantonese through Popular Culture class to share her experience in Hong Kong Cantonese theatre. Joyce shared various concepts of theatre production and explained the meanings and symbolisms behind stage performances and the significance and implications theatre can bring to the audience. She used one of her 2021 theatrical works, A Kind of Eternity 久天長地, to demonstrate to the students the social meanings and implications behind her work that are closely related to Hong Kong at that time. Students then asked questions about the theatre industry in Hong Kong, as well as her personal experience working in the field. The sharing provided the students with an invaluable opportunity to interact with a professional from the Cantonese artistic community.

The same CNTO 451 class was also blessed with more artist visits, including Hong Kong singer Tsz Ching Choi on March 28, 2024 and Director Jimmy Lo on April 4, 2024. Miss Choi shared her inspiring stories of making it into the music business and even brought her guitar to sing live music, which captured everyone’s hearts. A week later UBC student Director Lo screened his film Stories of Pang Jai, a documentary on the struggle of the one-of-a-kind fabric market in Hong Kong that faces forced demolition for redevelopment. Students were moved by the true stories and learned firsthand of the preservation effort and the struggles faced by many in the Hong Kong society.

We thank all our guest speakers for sharing their expertise across various fields and enhancing the educational journey of our CNTO students. The UBC Cantonese Language Program will continue to engage guests from all corners of the Cantonese-speaking world to offer students a more distinctive and immersive learning experience rooted in popular culture and the professional world.

Written by TA Jayden Zhou