Beginning Monday Feb 22, join us each Monday from 7pm – 8:30pm PST on Zoom to discuss the biography of Nangsa Oebum, one of the eight great biographies of Tibet.
Moderated by Jimmy Yan, joined by Dr. Caroline Lo, Sophia Diamonds, Olivia Lim and Arian Zand
Speaker Series: Indigenous Taiwan: Transpacific Connections 線上講座系列:台灣原住民文化:跨越太平洋的聯結 Indigenous Literary Practices in Postcolonial Taiwan 後殖民語境下:台灣原住民族的文學實踐 Indigenous literature has flourished in Taiwan since the “Aboriginal Social Movement” of the 1980s. Up to 2021, more than 120 works have been published, including novels, essays, poems, and literary reportage. This lecture provides an overview of Taiwan’s indigenous literary field, […]
Speaker Series: Indigenous Taiwan: Transpacific Connections 線上講座系列:台灣原住民文化:跨越太平洋的聯結 Director Wei Te-sheng on the Making of the First Blockbuster Film about Taiwan’s Indigenous History, Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale 賽德克 · 巴萊:第一部講述台灣原住民歷史並轟動世界的電影 Date & Time: Thursday, October 21, 2021 | 4:00pm-6:00pm (PDT) Location: online via Zoom *Presented in English and Mandarin Free & open to the public. Registration is […]
Speaker Series: Indigenous Taiwan: Transpacific Connections 線上講座系列:台灣原住民文化:跨越太平洋的聯結 Hunter School: Reviving Taiwan Indigenous Practices for New Generations 獵人學校:如何在當代台灣復興傳統原住民技藝 Indigenous writer Ahronglong Sakinu, after years of living in Taipei, founded and ran a “hunter school” focused on transmitting Indigenous knowledge to new generations of Taiwan youths. What inspired Sakinu to found the school? What lessons and practices […]
Speaker Series: Indigenous Taiwan: Transpacific Connections 線上講座系列:台灣原住民文化:跨越太平洋的聯結 Laha Mebow is the first female indigenous film director in Taiwan. After years of living and studying in cities, she returned to her Atayal tribe and directed several films about indigenous people’s life and culture. Her film Hang in There, Kids! (Atayal: Lokah Laqi) was selected as the Taiwanese entry for […]
You Are Invited: Asian Studies 60th Anniversary Celebration, December 6, 2021, 6pm (PST)!
The workshop on January 31 features Communications Security Establishment (CSE), Canada’s national cryptologic agency.
The Department of Asian Studies is delighted to invite you to our annual Careers Night on March 17, 2022!
You are invited to the 2021/22 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture featuring Professor Ban Wang on April 4 and 5, 2022.