You are invited to the Alireza Ahmadian Lecture in Iranian and Persianate Studies: Say What Your Longing Heart Desires: Women, Prayer and Poetry in Iran on October 23, 2021.
The Persian Language and Iranian Studies Initiative at UBC and the UBC Persian Literature Reading Club, and the UBC Persian Club are hosting a series of events analyzing the literature of migration and exile in Modern Persian Literature. The second workshop features Iranian writer, Bahram Moradi, who will speak about his style and themes in […]
The Persian Language and Iranian Studies Initiative at UBC and the UBC Persian Literature Reading Club, and the UBC Persian Club are hosting a series of events analyzing the literature of migration and exile in Modern Persian Literature. The third workshop features Iranian anthropologist, Shahram Khosravi. In the journey into the life and experience of […]
You are invited to the Alireza Ahmadian Lecture in Iranian and Persianate Studies: The Anti-Aryan Moment: Decolonization and Race in Late Pahlavi Iran on November 6, 2021.
You are invited to the Alireza Ahmadian Lecture in Iranian and Persianate Studies: Beholding Beauty: Saʿdi of Shiraz and the Aesthetics of Desire in Medieval Persian Poetry on November 20, 2021.
The session will delve into migrant women writer’s maladies and challenges by way of talking about Temori works including two collections: “In the depth of Solitude” and “Illusory Shadows.”
You are invited to the Alireza Ahmadian Lecture in Iranian and Persianate Studies: New Insights from the East on Poetry and Politics: The Reconciliatory Thought of Sa‘di Shirazi on December 4, 2021.
You Are Invited: Asian Studies 60th Anniversary Celebration, December 6, 2021, 6pm (PST)!
You are invited to the Alireza Ahmadian Lecture in Iranian and Persianate Studies: The Hidden Story of One Thousand and One Nights in Persian: Muhammad Baghir Khurasani’s “Tarjumah Hinrīyah” Patronized in Hyderabad on December 18, 2021.
The Persian Language and Iranian Studies Initiative at UBC, the UBC Persian Literature Reading Club, and the UBC Persian Club are hosting a series of events analyzing the literature of migration and exile in Modern Persian Literature in Winter and Spring 2022.