The 2005/06 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Professor Roger T. Ames (University of Hawai’i) Lecture: A Dialogue Between Cultures: Confucian Philosophy and Deweyan Pragmatism Arguably the most important relationship at the beginning of the 21st century is between Europe and North America, and a rapidly growing China. Given that China is home to […]
The 2007/08 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Professor Dorothy Ko (Columbia University) Lecture: Footbinding in Women’s Eyes Professor Ko’s lecture intends to complicate the prevalent view of footbinding as a barbaric form of female oppression. By way of embroidered shoes and other artifacts related to the binding of feet, the talk will probe […]
The 2008/09 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Author Yu Hua Lecture: Yu Hua, author of “Brothers” Brothers, Yu Hua’s most recent novel and longest work to date, broke sales records in China when its two volumes were published in 2005 and 2006. The epic tale follows two stepbrothers, Baldy Li and Song Gang, […]
The 2009/10 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Professor Lung Ying-tai (University of Hong Kong and National Tsing Hua University) Lecture: Big River, Big Sea: Untold Stories of 1949 Watch Lung Ying-tai’s lecture “Big River, Big Sea: Untold Stories of 1949” in English. Watch Lung Ying-tai’s lecture “Why 1949” in Chinese. Webcast sponsored by […]
The 2010/11 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Professor David Der-Wei Wang (Harvard University) Lecture: Writing History after “Post-History”: On Contemporary Chinese Fiction Webcast sponsored by the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre and sponsored by the Wat Endowment and hosted by the Department of Asian Studies. Writing at a time when History has collapsed […]
The 2011/12 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Professor Leung Ping-Kwan (Harvard University) Lecture: Transformative Identities: Literary Adaptation and Cultural Negotiation in Hong Kong Cinema of the 1950s Contrary to the common belief that Hong Kong cinema excels only in martial arts and gangster genres but has little to do with literature, recent […]
The 2012/13 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Professor Wang Fan-sen (Academia Sinica) Lecture: Shoes, Umbrellas, and Tofu: Appraising Local Officials in Late Imperial China Historians have long been interested in the rituals of appraisals for officials that took place in local temples. This is so for good reasons. For most scholar-officials in late […]
The 2013/14 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Professor Pai Hsien-yung (University of California, Santa Barbara) Lecture: Father and the Republic Father and the Republic is a photobiography devoted to the life and career of the late General Pai Ch’ung-hsi (Bai Chongxi; 1893–1966). General Pai’s career both paralleled and profoundly influenced the history of […]
The 2016/17 Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Professor Barbara Mittler (University of Heidelberg) Lecture: Living the Cultural Revolution—Impact Events and the Making of Cultural Memory Why is it that for a while in the early 2000s, Mao’s portrait dangled in almost every taxi? Why is it that Mao’s image is to be […]
‘Where Silence Reigns, Startling Claps of Thunder’ 於無聲處聽驚雷 The 2019W Yip So Man Wat Memorial Lecture with Dr. Geremie Barmé 白杰明 (Professor Emeritus, Australian National University) In memory of P.K. Leung 梁秉鈞 (1949-2013). Photos from the Yip So Man Wat Lecture: Missed this year’s lecture? You can view it along with Dr. Barmé’s presentation here. […]